Nautical Treasures

by | Feb 23, 2014 | Science | 0 comments

One of our favorite ways to waste time is to window shop on the website Fancy.  If you haven’t been there before, Fancy is a curated gift store where individuals can submit cool items that they make or sell and put them into a gallery of similar curios.  Somewhere in between Etsy and Pinterest with a splash of modern style and retro iconography, or in other words, EYE CANDY.  The cool thing is that you can buy everything you see.  Some things are ridiculously expensive, be warned; but we love the ability to describe who we’d like to buy a gift for and immediately be presented with some really wild options.  Take for example this awesome wall mural that you can pick up for just $160.  Take a look at many more aqua options in their recent Nautical Treasures.




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