Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse

Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse

This Cleaner Wrasse comes from Hawaii, and does better than the Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse. Most don't eat, or what they do eat isn't good enough to...

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Cleaner Wrasse

Cleaner Wrasse

This Cleaner Wrasse comes from Hawaii and while it does better than the regular Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse, they still don't have a good history of...

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5 Cleaner Wrasse Myths

5 Cleaner Wrasse Myths

The introduction of Labroides spp. cleaner wrasses to marine aquarium systems is generally ill-advised. Though some hobbyists report success in keeping these obligate cleaners long term, the vast majority of specimens entering the market are doomed to perish prematurely from starvation.…

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