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I'd like to know how feasible it is to keep several tangs together in one tank. I've read about fighting, but I'd like to hear people's experiences firsthand ...
I have a 75, which is on the small end for tangs, and a 180. What would be appropriate?


I have 3 tangs in my 200, a Sohal(4"), Purple(6") and Yellow(4"). Added them all at once about 6 months ago and no problems. Some initial skirimishes but nothing serious.
Recommend add all at once or largest one last.



The basic 'rule of thumb' is to not put the same genus of tangs together (or any fish for that matter) unless the tank is big enough or you add them at the same time.

E >< () !) !_! S


If you do mix tanks I have always heard that they shouldn't be the same shape or color...

For example Regal Tank with a Yellow Tang shouldn't be a problem.....

I did try to add a Kole Tang with and established Yellow Tang which was bad news and the Kole got stressed then died shortly after from ick.

[This message has been edited by David Grigor (edited 13 January 2000).]


I have a large sailfin and a small sailfin together in a 75, i put the large on in last. they seem to get along,,,they've been together for 2 months


At one point, I had a yellow and a regal (hippo) in my 75. Then my hippo met an unfortunate death - not related in any way to the yellow. Now I also have a Naso in there.


Pablogh and Exodus got it right, if you plan to keep the same genus, say Yellows or Purples, make it more than three, or you can mix it up (one at a time)outside of the same genus, eg. one Purple Tang, one Chevron Tang and one Naso Tang.
One last thing, if you decide to keep more than one of the same genus, say six or eight Yellow Tangs in a 180 gallon tank, there will be minor skirmishes while they establish a hierarchy.

The result of a many-sided life, is a many-faceted mind.
-Robert A. Heinlein

[This message has been edited by Dman (edited 13 January 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Dman (edited 13 January 2000).]


I have flavecens and xanthurus all in harmony (so far!!).
IME don't keep same species in pairs. Keep it alone or at least three (only in the 180gal).


I have a hippo tang and a yellow tang in my 90 gal reef tank. They get along fine.

The yellow has been there for years. I added the hippo about 1-1.5 years ago as a baby. He's now grown quite a lot, but there was never any significant fighting.

Randy Holmes-Farley


I just learned the hard way that my yellow tang doesn't want other tangs in my tank. I bought a sailfin tang that was almost the same size as the yellow tang and the yellow guy freaked out. The yellow is really mellow and has never reacted to my adding any other fish to the tank, but the minute he saw the sailfin he was obviously aggressive towards it. I watched the tank for about an hour, tried keeping them apart, moved some rocks, everything I could think of but the yellow tang pinned the sailfin in the corner finally and was beating on him like mad. I took out the sailfin and put him in a Q tank and his upper fin is a bit shredded. I don't have the heart to try again and I really adore the sailfin.

So... if I were you, I'd be cautious. I had heard of lots of people having good luck but I was sure glad I didn't just walk out and assume all was going to be fine. Good luck!

passionately confused



I have three tangs in my 200, a yellow, purple and blue eyed. The purple is smaller and was added after the yellow. There is an occasional skirmish between the two, but nothing serious. The blue eyed, which is similar to a kole, is ignored by the other two. I was lucky that the yellow didn't try to beat the purple into pulp.

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I have 3 tangs in my 90 gal, a Yellow, Powder Blue and a Red Sea desjardin. I added both the Powder Blue & desjardin at the same time to the existing Yellow's tank. They do skirmish quite a bit, especially at dawn & dusk, but no harm seems to be done (yet).

The Powder Blue always has a few spots of ick, but my 2 cleaner shrimp seem to keep him quite happy.

What I have observed is the Yellow is the most aggressive, even though the others have grown larger. The yellow wants all the "hiding" spots for himself and gets quite upset when he catches the cleaners cleaning anyone but himself. If you allow them to hungry they do get more aggressive, so I do try to feed small amounts 2-4 times a day.

If i were to do it again, I would have just 1 tang in a 4' tank. I am planning on setting up a 180 so I will be able to relocate the Powder Blue and the Desjardin into.

You can see my Tang collection here: http://www.minuteman.com/reefmon/01-08-00/full_1-8-00.jpg

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