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Advanced Reefer
Queens, NY
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Just a quick question.....I am big on zoas and have a pretty big collection.....I just started getting into chalices and wanted to make a chalice garden....kind of like you would with acans. .....my question is are you able to put them in close proximity to each other or would that be a bad idea?


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"Chalice" is a general term used for various corals of certain type (genus I believe), but they can be very different from one another.
Some chalices can be mixed, but as a general rule of them I would say no mixing chalices bc many have sweeper tentacles that can extend up to 4"+ and that may cause fighting. I keep my chalices near each other, but always separated enough so tentacles don't touch.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, NY
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Yea maybe chalice is too vague of a term because I have 5 different frags.......1 of which I picked up a month ago and never seen sweeper tentacles on it....maybe if I find some examples.....not home at the moment but I post pictures when I get home


Advanced Reefer
Queens, NY
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The sweepers come out when the lights are off for a period of time. I have never seen a chalice without feeder sweepers. I would leave space between each chalice. I'd you put them on a round rock you will have time before they touch because they usually grow with the rock it's on. Put them on individual rocks on the sand and you can move them as they grow

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