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Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
Rating - 100%
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I stop by today to pick my Yellow Flank Wrasse. Which was very nice of them to hold him for me ti'll he was eating. I was very impressed with the stock they had. I was surprised the boys are not posting of all the nice stuff that's in there tanks. So off my head this is what I saw.
Plenty of Flames Angels
Sailfin tangs, power blue tangs, Gold Rim, Power Brown Tang
Purple tang small
Bellus Angels fish M/F
Variety of Wrasses leopards, Exquisite, Naoko Wrasse, Rare Choati Leopard, Rosy Fairy, Hoevens, plus more I forgot.
Biocolor Angels
Very nice Clown fishs and lot more fish.
A big shipment of SPS corals.

Also secret room to hold some extra fish for guess what? Hint lands on Friday.....
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