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The Reef Shoppe

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I know its a bit late but we here at The Reef Shoope hope you all had a safe and wonderful holidays! So to end the first month of the new year heres an update on what we have in stock!!!

Full line of LRS fully stocked!


Full Line of Jebao Powerheads and Return Pumps in Stock!!

Cleaner Wrasse
Filamentous Wrasse
Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse
Christmas Wrasse
Hoevens Wrasse
Multicolor Wrasse
Smalltail Wrasse
Exquisite Wrasse
Long Fin Wrasse
Red X-mas Checkerboard Wrasse
Splendid Leopard/Vermiculite Wrasse
Yellow Tail Coris Wrasse
Flame Wrasse M/F

Clown Tang
Red Sea Sailfin Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Sailfin Tang
Blue Eyed Tang
Unicorn Tang
Lipstic Tang/ Blonde Naso
Powder Blue Surgeon
Ebili Tang
Yellow Tang
Kole Tang
Orange Shoulder Tang
Blue Tang

Banggai Cardinal Fish
Turbo Snail
Moorish Idol
Fox Fish
Blue Eye Cardinal Fish
Valentine Puffer
Red Spotted Cardinal Fish
Knife Fish
Copperband Butterfly
Zebra Pipefish
Undulate Triger
Niger Triger
Green Mandarin Fish
Maroon Clown
Majestic Angel
Bicolor Angel
Zebra Lionfish
Spotfin Lionfish
Coral Hogfish
Algae Blenny
Golden Head Goby
Madder Sea Perch
Sea Goldie
Blue Green Chromis
Sunburst Anthias
Coral Beauty Angel
Pink and Blue Spot Goby
Pueple Tilefish
Melas Angel
Yellow Watchman Goby
Blue Spot Watchman Goby
Marine Betta
Black Ribbon Eel
Ghost White Eel
Clown Triger
Dwarf Lionfish
Gren Mandarin
Mexican Turbo
Orange Skunk Clown
Black Percula Clown
Pink and Blue Spot Goby
Convict Worm Goby
Tomato Clown
Pink Skunk Clown
Sand Starfish
Red African Clown
Chocolate Starfish
Nassarius Shell
Spotted Grunt
Yellow Lined Sweetlips
Sea Hare Seaslug
Blue Starfish
Melas Angel
Golden Puffer
Fire Shrimp
Cleaner Shrimp
Algae Eaters
Persian Blenny
Scribble Anthias
Yellow Black Anthias
Potters Angel
Bicolor Anthias

Thank you for keeping up with us!! If you have any questions please contact the store for the fastest response! :spin:

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Reef Trends

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Reef Trends was in the building at The Reef Shoppe today doing some personal shopping as well as picking up for clients. Just want to say thanks to all the great staff for being so helpful. Really nice selection and prices, couldn't have been more impressed. It seems every time I visit there is something new they have done to improve operations.

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